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Digital Nomad Exchange - 7 Free Things to Do in Bouake 2024
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7 Free Things to Do in Bouake

By Joshua Wood, LPC

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Allianz Care

Summary: As a digital nomad in Bouake, keeping an eye on your budget is key. Here are 7 Free things to do in Bouake.

As a digital nomad, exploring new destinations while managing work can be both exhilarating and challenging. Bouaké, the second-largest city in Ivory Coast, offers a unique blend of urban life and cultural experiences. While living here for a few months or longer, you'll find that Bouaké has a variety of free activities to enjoy, ranging from bustling markets to tranquil natural spots. Here are nine free things to do in Bouaké that will enrich your stay without breaking the bank.

Grand Marché de Bouaké

The Grand Marché, or large market, is the heart of Bouaké's daily life and a must-visit for anyone wanting to experience the local culture. As a digital nomad, you'll find this vibrant market perfect for people-watching, photographing the colorful stalls, and understanding the local economy. The market is a labyrinth of vendors selling everything from textiles and spices to handmade crafts. It's an excellent place for digital nomads to immerse themselves in Ivorian culture and perhaps pick up some unique souvenirs.

Location: Located in the city center of Bouaké, easily accessible from most parts of the city.

Travel Tip: Visit the market early in the morning to avoid the heat and the crowds. This is when the market is most lively and you can capture the best photos.

Nearby: After exploring the market, head to Café de la Paix for a refreshing drink or a light meal. It's known for its relaxed atmosphere and is a popular spot among locals.

Parc Urbain de Bouaké

For those who enjoy nature and outdoor activities, the Parc Urbain de Bouaké offers a serene escape from the city's hustle and bustle. This urban park is a popular spot for jogging, picnics, and leisurely walks. It's a great place to relax, read a book, or catch up on work in a peaceful setting. The park also hosts occasional cultural events and performances, which can be a delightful surprise for visitors.

Location: Situated on the outskirts of Bouaké, it's a short taxi ride from the city center.

Travel Tip: Bring a picnic and enjoy an afternoon break here. The park is also a great spot for birdwatching, so don't forget your binoculars if that's an interest of yours.

Nearby: Close to the park is a small local eatery called Maquis du Val, where you can try Ivorian dishes like attiéké (fermented cassava) and grilled fish.

Cathédrale Sainte Thérèse

The Cathédrale Sainte Thérèse stands as a symbol of Bouaké's religious heritage and architectural beauty. This Roman Catholic cathedral is not only a place of worship but also a peaceful retreat for contemplation and admiration of its design. The stained glass windows and the serene ambiance make it a worthwhile visit for those interested in architecture or seeking a quiet moment.

Location: Located in the heart of Bouaké, it's easily accessible on foot from many parts of the city.

Travel Tip: Try to visit during a service to experience the cathedral in its full vibrancy, with music and local congregants adding to the atmosphere.

Nearby: Just a few blocks away, you'll find La Taverne, a cozy spot to grab a coffee or a snack after your visit to the cathedral.

Artisanal Center of Bouaké

The Artisanal Center of Bouaké is a lesser-known gem where you can witness local artisans at work. From woodcarvers to weavers, this is the place to see traditional Ivorian crafts being made. It's an excellent opportunity for digital nomads to learn about the local art scene and even pick up some skills. The center also allows visitors to interact with the artisans, making it an enriching cultural exchange.

Location: Situated a bit off the beaten path, it's best reached by taxi from the city center.

Travel Tip: If you're interested in purchasing any crafts, this is the place to get them directly from the makers, often at better prices than in the markets.

Nearby: Stop by Chez Georges, a nearby café, to enjoy a refreshing drink and discuss your finds with fellow travelers or locals.

Lake of Bouaké

Lake of Bouaké is a tranquil spot perfect for digital nomads looking for a quiet place to unwind or work outdoors. The lake's surroundings offer picturesque views and a chance to spot local wildlife. It's a great place for a leisurely walk or a picnic, and you might even see locals fishing or washing clothes in the lake, providing a glimpse into everyday life in Bouaké.

Location: The lake is located on the northern edge of the city, a short distance from the city center by taxi.

Travel Tip: Bring your camera to capture the serene beauty of the lake, especially during sunrise or sunset when the lighting is particularly stunning.

Nearby: After a visit to the lake, head to Le Palais for some local Ivorian cuisine. It's a great spot to enjoy a meal with views of the water.

Local Street Art

Bouaké is home to a burgeoning street art scene, with murals and graffiti that reflect the city's vibrant culture. Taking a self-guided tour to discover these artworks is a fantastic way to explore the city's neighborhoods and get a sense of the local artistic talent. Keep an eye out for murals that often carry social and political messages, providing insight into the issues that matter to the community.

Location: Street art can be found throughout the city, but start your exploration in the central districts where the concentration is higher.

Travel Tip: If you're a photographer or blogger, these murals can provide excellent content for your platforms, showcasing the city's creative side.

Nearby: Café des Arts is a local hangout for artists and creatives, making it the perfect spot to grab a coffee after your street art tour.

Traditional Dance Performances

In Bouaké, traditional dance is not just entertainment; it's a vital part of the cultural heritage. Digital nomads can often witness free dance performances in public spaces, especially during festivals or national holidays. These performances are a powerful display of rhythm, color, and tradition, offering a memorable experience for visitors.

Location: Performances take place in various locations, including public squares and parks throughout the city.

Travel Tip: Check local event listings or ask around to find out when and where performances are scheduled during your stay.

Nearby: After enjoying a performance, visit the nearby Maquis Yaffa for a taste of local street food and the lively atmosphere.

Bouaké University Campus

The University of Bouaké's campus is not only an educational institution but also a space where visitors can enjoy the youthful and dynamic atmosphere. Walking through the campus, you'll find green spaces, architectural structures, and the opportunity to interact with students, which can lead to interesting conversations and exchanges of ideas.

Location: The university is located to the east of the city center and is accessible by public transport or taxi.

Travel Tip: If you're looking to network or collaborate with local students or academics, this is the perfect place to start.

Nearby: There's a small café on campus where you can grab a bite and mingle with the student crowd.

Community Events at Place de la Paix

Place de la Paix is a central square in Bouaké that often hosts community events, including markets, concerts, and cultural celebrations. These events are usually free and provide a fantastic opportunity to engage with locals and experience the city's community spirit. As a digital nomad, attending these events can be a great way to take a break from work and enjoy local entertainment.

Location: Place de la Paix is centrally located and easily accessible from various parts of the city.

Travel Tip: Keep an eye on local posters or social media groups for announcements about upcoming events at the square.

Nearby: Following an event, you can visit the nearby Le Diplomate, a popular spot for drinks and socializing with both digital nomads and expats and locals.

About the Author

Joshua Wood Joshua Wood, LPC is one of the Founders of Digital Nomad Exchange and serves as Co-President of Expat Exchange. Prior to Expat Exchange and Digital Nomad Exchange, Joshua worked for NBC Cable (MSNBC and CNBC Primetime). Joshua has a BA from Syracuse and a Master's in Clinical and Counseling Psychology from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Mr. Wood is also a licensed counselor and psychotherapist.

Some of Joshua's articles include Pros and Cons of Living in Portugal, 10 Best Places to Live in Ireland and Pros and Cons of Living in Uruguay. Connect with Joshua on LinkedIn.

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