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Vilcabamba, Ecuador | What is life like as an expat in your area? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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Vilcabamba, Ecuador

What is life like as an expat in your area?

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When we asked people living abroad what life is like in their areas and how people spend their time, they said...

"Life for expats and digital nomads in Vilcabamba is often described as peaceful and relaxed, with a slow pace of life that many find appealing. The town is known for its beautiful natural surroundings, including lush green mountains and clear blue skies, which provide plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking and horseback riding. The local community is welcoming and friendly, with a mix of locals and expats from around the world. Expats and digital nomads often find the cost of living in Vilcabamba to be quite affordable, with low prices for housing, food, and other necessities. The town has a number of restaurants and cafes, many of which offer free Wi-Fi, making it easy for digital nomads to work remotely. The local culture is rich and vibrant, with many opportunities to participate in local festivals and events. The town is also known for its healthy lifestyle, with a focus on organic food and natural remedies. However, some expats and digital nomads may find the slower pace of life and the small size of the town to be limiting, with fewer entertainment options and amenities than larger cities. Additionally, while many locals speak English, a lack of Spanish skills can be a barrier to fully integrating into the community. Overall, Vilcabamba offers a unique and appealing lifestyle for those seeking a peaceful, natural environment and a slower pace of life," explained one expat living in Vilcabamba, Ecuador.

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Vilcabamba, Ecuador

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