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Indonesia | Will I be able to find a job in Indonesia? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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Ubud on Bali Island, Indonesia

Will I be able to find a job in Indonesia?

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When we asked people about industries and career opportunities in Indonesia, they reponded...

"Foreigners often work as English teachers, translators, professional in multinational companies, tour guides and hospitality staff in Indonesia. They may also be employed as IT professionals, healthcare workers, software developers, and business consultants. In addition, many foreigners are employed as freelance writers, photographers, and online entrepreneurs," mentioned another expat when asked about moving to Indonesia.

"Oil, Gas, Mining, IT, Natural Resources. Indonesia is a BIG country and a very RICH country, that is managed very poorly. Most people come here either because they were transferred here by their companies or because they came here under contract. People either hate the place and cannot wait to leave, or fall in love with the place and the people and stay for extended periods," commented one expat who made the move to Jakarta, Indonesia.

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Will I be able to find a job in Indonesia?

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About the Author

Joshua Wood Joshua Wood, LPC is one of the Founders of Digital Nomad Exchange and serves as Co-President of Expat Exchange. Prior to Expat Exchange and Digital Nomad Exchange, Joshua worked for NBC Cable (MSNBC and CNBC Primetime). Joshua has a BA from Syracuse and a Master's in Clinical and Counseling Psychology from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Mr. Wood is also a licensed counselor and psychotherapist.

Some of Joshua's articles include Pros and Cons of Living in Portugal, 10 Best Places to Live in Ireland and Pros and Cons of Living in Uruguay. Connect with Joshua on LinkedIn.

Ubud on Bali Island, Indonesia

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