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Digital Nomad Guide to Dominican Rep | Digital Nomad Exchange
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Las Terrenas, Dominican Republic

Digital Nomad Life in the Dominican Republic

By Betsy Burlingame

Summary: Dominican Rep is a popular destination for digital nomads. The most popular cities for digital nomads are Santo Domingo, Puerto Plata, and Punta Cana. Digital nomads like living in Dominican Rep because of its beautiful beaches, vibrant culture, and affordable cost of living. A digital nomad can live on a monthly budget of around $1,000 in Dominican Rep. The culture of Dominican Rep is a mix of Spanish, African, and Taíno influences. Popular foods in Dominican Rep include rice and beans, sancocho (a stew), and tostones (fried plantains).

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How do I meet people in the Dominican Republic?

When we asked people living in the Dominican Republic about club and activities where newcomers can meet others, they responded:

"Expats in the Dominican Republic often join clubs and activities such as golf, tennis, sailing, and scuba diving. Expats can also join local language classes, book clubs, and cooking classes. Additionally, many expats join expat-specific groups and organizations, such as the American Chamber of Commerce, the British-Dominican Society, and the Canadian-Dominican Association. Other ways that expats meet people in the Dominican Republic include attending local festivals and events, joining local sports teams, and volunteering with local charities. Additionally, many expats find it helpful to join online forums and social media groups to connect with other expats in the area," said one person in Dominican Rep.

"Take some Spanish classes, Join the Facebook group "The Santiago Healthy, Wealthy and Wise" go to meetup.com and join the santiago healthy wealthy and wise group. If you have a business join the Chamber of Commerce," remarked one foreigner who made the move to Santiago de los Caballeros.

"I'm a retired Brit who enjoys meeting people at coffee restaurants in the morning in Sosua and Cabarete. I recall many New Yorkers used to come to the town for long weekends to meet the attractive Dominican women. But a couple told me that they now return for longer periods because they were surprised how they met so many guys of different nationalities who enjoyed talking to them. They also gave them advice on any issue they wanted to know about. Hope you visit and have many friends as I have," explained one person living in Dominican Rep.

"First thing I do in any place is look for the Expat hangouts and sit and chat. I also look for a country/area specific website to make acquaintances. Works for me and I now have parties on 4th of July, US Thanksgiving and Easter Sunday to gather all the expats I can. I get from 125 to 175 people at my events 3 times a year. Great place for networking and making friends and getting to know your new country," said one expat in Sosua.

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About the Author

Betsy Burlingame Betsy Burlingame is one of the founders of Digital Nomad Exchange and the Founder and President of Expat Exchange. She launched Expat Exchange in 1997 as her Master's thesis project at NYU. Prior to Expat Exchange and Digital Nomad Exchange, Betsy worked at AT&T in International and Mass Market Marketing. She graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University with a BA in International Business and German.

Some of Betsy's articles include 12 Best Places to Live in Portugal, 7 Best Places to Live in Panama and 12 Things to Know Before Moving to the Dominican Republic. Betsy loves to travel and spend time with her family. Connect with Betsy on LinkedIn.

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Las Terrenas, Dominican Republic

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