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What are healthcare services like in Crucita?

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We asked retirees if they have access to good medical care in Crucita. They wrote...

"Crucita, a small coastal town, has basic healthcare services available for residents and visitors. The town has a few clinics and pharmacies that provide primary healthcare services. For more specialized medical services or emergencies, individuals often have to travel to nearby larger cities like Portoviejo or Manta. The healthcare staff in Crucita are known to be friendly and helpful, although English might not be widely spoken, which could pose a communication challenge for non-Spanish speaking individuals. Public healthcare in Ecuador is free for citizens, but the quality of care can vary. Many expats and wealthier locals prefer to use private healthcare, which is typically of a higher standard but comes at a cost. It's also worth noting that medical supplies can sometimes be limited in smaller towns like Crucita, so it's recommended for visitors to bring necessary medications with them," mentioned another expat when asked about moving to Crucita, Ecuador.

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What are healthcare services like in Crucita?

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