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Kalba, UAE | What should I pack when moving to Kalba? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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What should I pack when moving to Kalba?

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We asked people living in Kalba to list three things they wish they had brought and three they wish they had left behind. They responded...

"When moving to Kalba, it's essential to pack lightweight and breathable clothing due to the hot and humid climate. Include a mix of short-sleeved tops, shorts, and long, loose clothing to respect the local culture and customs. Don't forget to pack a good quality sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat to protect yourself from the intense sun. Pack your swimwear as Kalba has beautiful beaches, but remember to choose modest pieces that are culturally appropriate. Also, include a light jacket or sweater for cooler evenings or heavily air-conditioned indoor spaces. Comfortable walking shoes are a must for exploring the city, and you might also want to pack dressier footwear for nights out or more formal occasions. Remember to bring all necessary documentation, including your passport, visa, driver's license, and any necessary medical records or prescriptions. It's also a good idea to have copies of these documents. Pack your electronics, such as your smartphone, laptop, and chargers. An international adapter might also be necessary as the UAE uses a different plug type than many other countries. If you're planning on cooking, you might want to pack some of your favorite spices or food items that might be hard to find in the UAE. However, keep in mind that certain food items might not be allowed into the country due to customs regulations. Don't forget personal care items, although most things can be easily purchased there. If you have a preferred brand that might not be available in the UAE, it's a good idea to bring it with you. Lastly, pack some home comforts to help you settle in, such as photos, favorite books, or small keepsakes. These can make your new place feel more like home," explained one expat living in Kalba, the UAE.

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What should I pack when moving to Kalba?

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