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Graz, Austria

What should I pack when moving to Graz?

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We asked people living in Graz to list three things they wish they had brought and three they wish they had left behind. They responded...

"When packing for your move to Graz, make sure to bring warm clothes in winter and light clothes in summer. Don't forget a raincoat for those inevitable rainy days! Bring plenty of comfortable shoes for the hilly terrain and a durable umbrella for the famous Graz wind. Depending on your accommodation, you might also want to bring bedding and kitchen items. If you plan to stay for a while, plan to bring books and DVDs to entertain yourself and arrange internet access before you arrive so that you can stay connected," said another expat in Graz, Austria, Austria.

"Wish I brought a variety of Ziplock bags and containers. Wish I brought Uncle Dans Ranch Dressing, and also Best Foods Mayo. And my 12 cup Cuisinart coffee maker. I have too long a list. 3 things I should not have brought , I cannot think of even one," wrote a member who made the move to Graz, Austria.

Traveling MailboxTraveling Mailbox

Traveling Mailbox serves thousands of travelers, expats, digital nomads, businesses, individuals and others in over 47 Countries by scanning their postal mail so they can view it online anywhere in the world. They provide customer service 7 days a week so if you need assistance, it is just a phone call away. Traveling Mailbox works with Evernote, and Dropbox. And, there are Traveling Mailbox apps available for iOS and Android devices.

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Traveling MailboxTraveling Mailbox

Traveling Mailbox serves thousands of travelers, expats, digital nomads, businesses, individuals and others in over 47 Countries by scanning their postal mail so they can view it online anywhere in the world. They provide customer service 7 days a week so if you need assistance, it is just a phone call away. Traveling Mailbox works with Evernote, and Dropbox. And, there are Traveling Mailbox apps available for iOS and Android devices.

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What should I pack when moving to Graz?

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Graz, Austria

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