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Haarlem, Netherlands | What do I need to know before moving to Haarlem? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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What do I need to know before moving to Haarlem?

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When we asked people what advice they would give someone preparing to move to Haarlem, they said...

"Haarlem is a city in the Netherlands, located near Amsterdam, known for its rich history, beautiful architecture, and vibrant cultural scene. Before moving to Haarlem, expats should be aware of several important factors. Firstly, the cost of living in Haarlem is relatively high, with housing being the most significant expense. Renting an apartment in the city center can be quite costly, and buying a property is also an expensive endeavor. Secondly, the official language is Dutch, but English is widely spoken, especially in business and tourism sectors. However, learning some basic Dutch phrases can be beneficial for daily life and integration into the local community. Thirdly, the Netherlands has a comprehensive healthcare system, and it is mandatory for everyone to have at least basic health insurance. Expats should ensure they are adequately covered. Fourthly, the Dutch are known for their love of cycling. Haarlem, like most Dutch cities, is very bike-friendly with extensive cycling paths and bike parking facilities. Owning a bike can be an efficient and cost-effective way to get around. Fifthly, Haarlem has a temperate maritime climate, with mild summers and cool winters. Rain is common throughout the year, so it's advisable to always carry an umbrella. Sixthly, the Dutch education system is of a high standard. There are several international schools in and around Haarlem, but spaces can fill up quickly, so it's recommended to apply well in advance. Lastly, the Dutch are known for their directness in communication. This might come off as blunt or rude to people from cultures where indirect communication is the norm. It's important to understand this cultural difference to avoid misunderstandings. In conclusion, moving to Haarlem can be a wonderful experience, offering a high quality of life, a safe environment, and a welcoming community. However, it's essential to be prepared and understand the local customs and way of life," explained one expat living in Haarlem, The Netherlands.

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Traveling MailboxTraveling Mailbox

Traveling Mailbox serves thousands of travelers, expats, digital nomads, businesses, individuals and others in over 47 Countries by scanning their postal mail so they can view it online anywhere in the world. They provide customer service 7 days a week so if you need assistance, it is just a phone call away. Traveling Mailbox works with Evernote, Bill.com and Dropbox. And, there are Traveling Mailbox apps available for iOS and Android devices.

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What do I need to know before moving to Haarlem?

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Traveling Mailbox lets you view your postal mail online anywhere and it's is affordable, simple, and flexible.
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