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Trang, Thailand | What advice to expats in Trang have about housing? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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What advice to expats in Trang have about housing?

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When we asked people living in Trang about the social scene there, they described it saying...

"Expats in Trang advise that it's important to research and visit several properties before making a decision. They suggest renting before buying to get a feel for the area and understand the local property market. It's also recommended to hire a local real estate agent who can help navigate the process and negotiate prices. Expats also advise to check the proximity of the housing to amenities such as markets, hospitals, and schools. They also suggest checking the safety of the neighborhood and the condition of the property, including plumbing, electricity, and internet connectivity. It's also important to understand the terms of the lease or purchase agreement, including any maintenance fees or community rules. Lastly, expats recommend learning some basic Thai language to help with communication during the housing search and negotiation process," explained one expat living in Trang, Thailand.

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