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Abu Dhabi, UAE | Will I be able to find a job in Abu Dhabi? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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Will I be able to find a job in Abu Dhabi?

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When we asked people about industries and career opportunities in Abu Dhabi, they reponded...

"Foreigners often have jobs in Abu Dhabi in a variety of industries, such as hospitality, finance, engineering, construction, education, healthcare, and technology. Many foreigners also work in the oil and gas industry, as well as in retail and tourism. Additionally, there are many opportunities for foreign professionals to work in the media, marketing, and advertising sectors," explained one expat living in Abu Dhabi, the UAE.

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"I.T., engineering, education, nursing, and the big cheese: petroleum company execs. If you aren't in one of these occupations, you can pretty much stay at home. There are a few sideline occupations that do well here like media and advertising, but by and large, it's limited in those fields," said another expat in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

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Will I be able to find a job in Abu Dhabi?

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