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Abu Dhabi, UAE | What are medical services in Abu Dhabi like? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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What are medical services in Abu Dhabi like?

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When we asked expats and global nomads about the quality of medical care in Abu Dhabi, they replied...

"Medical services in Abu Dhabi, are of high quality and easily accessible, with both public and private healthcare facilities available. The emirate has a well-developed healthcare infrastructure, including state-of-the-art hospitals, clinics, and specialized medical centers. Public healthcare is provided by the Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (SEHA), which operates numerous hospitals and clinics throughout the region. Private healthcare facilities are also abundant, offering a wide range of medical services and treatments. Healthcare professionals in Abu Dhabi are highly skilled and qualified, with many doctors and specialists having received their training and education from prestigious institutions around the world. The healthcare system in Abu Dhabi is regulated by the Department of Health, ensuring that all facilities meet strict quality and safety standards. In addition to the high-quality medical services, Abu Dhabi also offers a comprehensive health insurance system. All UAE nationals and residents are required to have health insurance, which covers a wide range of medical treatments and services. This ensures that everyone has access to the healthcare they need, regardless of their financial situation. Overall, medical services in Abu Dhabi are advanced, efficient, and easily accessible, providing residents and visitors with a high standard of care and support for their health and well-being," said another expat in Abu Dhabi, the UAE.

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