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Runaway Bay, Jamaica | What do I need to know before moving to Runaway Bay? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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What do I need to know before moving to Runaway Bay?

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When we asked people what advice they would give someone preparing to move to Runaway Bay, they said...

"Expats moving to Runaway Bay should be aware of the following: 1. Cost of living: While the cost of living in Jamaica is generally lower than in many Western countries, it is essential to research and budget for expenses such as housing, utilities, groceries, and transportation. 2. Safety and security: Although Runaway Bay is considered relatively safe, crime can still be an issue. Expats should take necessary precautions, such as avoiding poorly lit areas at night, not displaying valuable items, and being cautious when using ATMs. 3. Healthcare: Jamaica's healthcare system is a mix of public and private facilities. Expats should consider obtaining private health insurance to ensure access to quality healthcare services. 4. Climate: Runaway Bay has a tropical climate with hot and humid weather throughout the year. Expats should be prepared for the heat and humidity and take necessary precautions to stay hydrated and protect themselves from the sun. 5. Transportation: Public transportation in Runaway Bay is limited, and expats may find it more convenient to rent or purchase a car. Driving in Jamaica can be challenging due to poor road conditions and aggressive driving habits, so expats should exercise caution when driving. 6. Culture and lifestyle: Jamaica has a rich and diverse culture, and expats should take the time to learn about and embrace the local customs and traditions. This includes understanding the local language, Patois, which is a mix of English and African languages. 7. Education: Expats with children should research the available schooling options in Runaway Bay, which may include local public schools, private schools, or international schools. 8. Work permits and visas: Expats planning to work in Jamaica will need to obtain a work permit before arriving in the country. It is essential to research the requirements and application process for obtaining a work permit and visa. 9. Taxes: Expats living and working in Jamaica may be subject to local income taxes. It is crucial to understand the tax system and any tax obligations that may apply. 10. Networking: Connecting with other expats and locals can help ease the transition to life in Runaway Bay. There are various expat groups and forums available online to help build connections and provide support during the relocation process," mentioned another expat when asked about moving to Runaway Bay, Jamaica.

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What do I need to know before moving to Runaway Bay?

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