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St Andrews, Scotland

What should I pack when moving to St Andrews?

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We asked people living in St Andrews to list three things they wish they had brought and three they wish they had left behind. They responded...

"When moving to St Andrews, you should pack a variety of clothing to accommodate the often unpredictable weather. This includes warm clothing like sweaters, jackets, scarves, gloves, and hats for the colder months, as well as lighter clothing for the warmer months. Waterproof clothing, such as raincoats and boots, are also essential due to frequent rain. Don't forget to pack formal attire for special occasions, as well as comfortable walking shoes for everyday use. If you're planning to participate in sports or outdoor activities, pack appropriate gear and clothing. Pack all necessary toiletries, but keep in mind that you can also buy these items once you arrive. If you take prescription medication, bring enough to last for a while, along with a copy of your prescription. Bring any electronics you'll need, such as a laptop, phone, and chargers. If you're coming from a country with different plug sockets, you'll need a UK adapter. Pack important documents, including your passport, driver's license, and any necessary immigration paperwork. If you're a student, bring any relevant academic documents. Lastly, consider packing some personal items to make your new place feel like home, such as photos, decorations, or a favorite blanket. However, remember that St Andrews is a small town with limited storage space, so try to pack as lightly as possible," said a member in St Andrews, Scotland.

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What should I pack when moving to St Andrews?

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