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Sibenik, Croatia | What do I need to know before moving to Sibenik? | Digital Nomad Exchange
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What do I need to know before moving to Sibenik?

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When we asked people what advice they would give someone preparing to move to Sibenik, they said...

"Sibenik is a historic city located in Croatia, known for its beautiful coastline, historic sites, and Mediterranean climate. Before moving to Sibenik, it's important to understand that the official language is Croatian, so learning some basic phrases or taking a language course could be beneficial. The cost of living in Sibenik is generally lower than in many Western European countries, but it's still important to budget carefully and understand the local economy. The city is part of the European Union, so EU citizens can move and work freely, but non-EU citizens may need to secure a visa or work permit. Sibenik has a Mediterranean climate with hot summers and mild winters, so pack your clothing accordingly. The city is known for its seafood, so if you're a fan of fish and other sea creatures, you'll be in for a treat. Public transportation in Sibenik is reliable, but many locals prefer to use cars or bikes to get around. Healthcare in Croatia is of a good standard, but it's recommended to have comprehensive health insurance. Sibenik is a safe city with a low crime rate, but like anywhere, it's important to take basic precautions to protect your personal safety and belongings. The city is rich in history and culture, with many festivals, museums, and historic sites to explore. Croatians are known for their hospitality, but it's important to respect local customs and traditions. The city has a slower pace of life compared to larger cities, which can be a big adjustment for some people. Sibenik is located on the Adriatic Sea, so there are plenty of opportunities for water sports and beach activities. The city has a good education system, with a number of schools and universities, making it a suitable place for families with children. Finally, it's important to note that while Sibenik is a popular tourist destination, it can be quiet during the off-peak season, so be prepared for a change in atmosphere and availability of services during this time," commented one expat who made the move to Sibenik, Croatia.

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Traveling MailboxTraveling Mailbox

Traveling Mailbox serves thousands of travelers, expats, digital nomads, businesses, individuals and others in over 47 Countries by scanning their postal mail so they can view it online anywhere in the world. They provide customer service 7 days a week so if you need assistance, it is just a phone call away. Traveling Mailbox works with Evernote, Bill.com and Dropbox. And, there are Traveling Mailbox apps available for iOS and Android devices.

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What do I need to know before moving to Sibenik?

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Traveling MailboxTraveling Mailbox

Traveling Mailbox lets you view your postal mail online anywhere and it's is affordable, simple, and flexible.
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Learn about the Digital Nomad Visa for Croatia and what is involved in obtaining one. This is one of the most important aspects of moving to Croatia as a digital nomad.

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